NORFOLK, NE — Norfolk Catholic High School recently hosted an assembly featuring representatives from the U.S. Air Force, who shared valuable insights and career opportunities with a group of eager students. The assembly was facilitated by DistrictWON and included over one hundred students. Members of the volleyball, wrestling, bowling, basketball, and cross-country teams attended the event, demonstrating an interest in learning more about service and leadership in the Air Force.

The presenters included Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Jamie Boland, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Margaret, and Second Lieutenant (2DLT) Nashalki Zayas. Their discussions highlighted the numerous career paths available within the Air Force and the sense of pride and responsibility that comes with wearing the uniform.

“The students seemed to be like sponges,” said Norfolk Catholic Principal Amy Wattier. “They were taking it all in and could have used another 30 minutes at least.”

The assembly provided students with a deeper understanding of the many benefits of serving in the Air Force, including career advancement, leadership development, and educational opportunities. The presenters engaged the students by drawing parallels between their own experiences and the discipline and commitment high school athletes demonstrate every day.

“I really admired the phrase ‘I am proud to put on this uniform,’” Wattier shared. “They related this to our students putting on their own uniforms every day, helping them understand the pride, honor, and responsibility that comes with it.”

There was a sense of excitement and curiosity as the Air Force representatives detailed opportunities beyond combat roles, including engineering, healthcare, cybersecurity, and aviation.

“If I want the best and brightest protecting my loved ones and me, then I hope these students step up because I know they could do the job,” Wattier said, emphasizing the importance of young adults considering careers in the military.

The event was particularly meaningful for Wattier, whose son serves in the Air Guard. “This experience brings him joy. He has never complained about his weekend of service, even when he is missing a family event. He has been very motivated by the opportunity to extend his education in so many directions. I am so proud of him!”

For students contemplating a future in the Air Force but uncertain about taking the leap, Wattier offers sound advice: “Keep an open mind, pray on it, and don’t be quick to discard it because the opportunities are endless.”

The assembly was a resounding success, leaving students inspired and informed about the possibilities that lie ahead. The U.S. Air Force’s visit to Norfolk Catholic High School not only expanded horizons but also reinforced the values of service, dedication, and excellence—qualities that will undoubtedly serve these students well in any path they choose.