Marines Recruiter Survey "*" indicates required fields 1 ) The name of the school you visited*2) Were you alone or was there more than one recruiter at the event?* I was alone There was more than one recruiter 3) How many students attended your event?* 10 or less 11-15 16-20 20 or more 4) Did you conduct a leadership talk and an activity or just a leadership talk?* Just a leadership talk Leadership talk with activity 5) Is this school one that you regularly get to visit?* Yes No is the ability to connect with larger groups of students and deliver a talk and activity different than usual? Yes No 6) Was the school welcoming?* Yes No 7) Did you have the chance to engage with the social media the school posted before and after your visit?* Yes No 8) In the future, will a training session that gives details about the opportunity help you get the most out of the event?* Yes No Not Sure 9) What suggestions do you have to help customize the program further?* Δ