Thank you for partnering with DistrictWON ("DW") and Crystal Clinic
Crystal Clinic desires to support your school with a sponsorship for calendar year 2022.
School Receives: $1,850
Campaign Elements:
- Banner in Gym (1-1-22 thru 12-31-22) – One (1) sign, 4’ x 8’ placed within each the school’s primary gymnasium for all events in calendar year 2022. We will provide a new banner that will include the school’s logo, please replace the current Crystal Clinic banner ASAP.
- Field level signs (Spring & Fall 2022) – Crystal Clinic to receive two (2) signs, double-sided, 3’ x 8’ placed at the school track for Spring 2022 & football stadium for Fall 2022. Note, please use the same signs for the Spring & Fall.
- PA announcements – Client to receive 2 PA announcements per event for all events in 2022 that have an announcer present.
- Promotional item Distribution: For two events, Crystal Clinic will provide a promotional item for distribution (i.e. one basketball game and one football game.) All items for distribution must be approved by the school. This is simply to have some fun!
- Social Media Posts: Over the course of the year, Crystal Clinic to be included in 1 social media post every 2 months via the athletic department primary account. Note, see below the “compliance” note.
Partnership Note:
We submit funds immediately to each school upon receiving proper compliance from you!
- Ideally, we like to receive photos of signs as they are displayed during an event. Note, to make compliance very simple, schools can post photos to their social media accounts – this will also cover the requirement for “social media posts.” We will provide further details on this as the season approaches.
- Please send a hi resolution file of your school logo, Crystal Clinic would like to include it on the signs.
DW’s goal is to make this as much of a turnkey event as possible for your school. In that respect, we provide everything to your school at no cost (PA copy, social media copy).
For every aspect of this program, including all creative aspects and content, your school retains all approval rights. Any renewal of this agreement, with the same or differing elements, must be operated through DW.
This is intended to be impactful (and fun!) for the entire community. In that spirit, we agree to work cooperatively to make it a great success!