U.S. Airforce recruiter speaking to students at Walnut Ridge High School, OH

Objective: To deliver female students to recruiters to learn about Air Force opportunities available to them.

Program: Through this DistrictWON pioneered process, an innovative platform has been established that creates a fresh new culture and exciting atmosphere around military career development for girls. By changing the focus of engagement from a passive “one-on-one” interaction, military personnel now lead “leadership & teamwork” discussions to a large group of eager students. Additionally, we found that ‘Leadership Talks’ to female students are well received by both school administrators and the girls who attend the events.

Results: School communication was enhanced, and the captive target audience delivered provided a superior mechanism for lead generation, changed the dynamic of recruiting from a “passive process” to an “active” one. It also changed the community perception to that of “celebrating a recruiter,” providing a process that produced superior results reaching students that can meet the physical standards of the military, and generated an feedback mechanism for continued improvement.