U.S. Coast Guard Inspires Tenaha High School Students to Explore Leadership and Service

Tenaha High School recently hosted an assembly featuring members of the U.S. Coast Guard, an event that left a real impact on the students. The assembly was attended by student-athletes from grades 7 through 12, including boys who participate in sports such as football, basketball, cross country, and soccer. This gathering offered more than just information; it provided inspiration and opened the door to potential career paths that many of our students hadn’t previously considered.

Chief James Grant, who led the Coast Guard representatives, shared compelling stories from his service.

“The Coast Guard has taught me the importance of resilience, teamwork, and leadership,” said Chief Grant. “These aren’t just skills for the military; they’re life skills that can help you succeed in anything you do.” His words resonated deeply with the students, who could see the parallels between the discipline required in sports and the discipline needed in the Coast Guard.

The assembly was interactive, with students eagerly engaging with the Coast Guard members. The speakers provided a candid look into their experiences, discussing the challenges and rewards of their careers. They highlighted the diverse roles within the Coast Guard, from search and rescue operations to environmental protection and cybersecurity.

One of the key takeaways from the assembly was the importance of exploring all career options.

“It’s important for high school students to hear directly from professionals,” said Dee Lewis, Athletic Director at Tenaha High School. “Kids are always hearing things, but having these guys on campus to talk about the great and important things they do really makes a difference. It motivates our students to try new things and helps them understand their options better.”

The students were excited and curious, asking questions and seeking confirmation about what they had heard.

The benefits of hosting such assemblies, facilitated by DistrictWON, are significant. They provide students with exposure to different career paths, especially those that develop leadership skills and offer opportunities for personal growth.

“I have a brother who served in the Army, and his experience shaped his life in so many positive ways,” shared Lewis. “It’s crucial for our students to see the value in these kinds of careers and understand that they can offer both personal and professional development.”

For any student considering the Coast Guard but feeling unsure, Lewis offers this advice:

“Ask questions, explore your options, and don’t be afraid to seek out more information. If you have doubts, I’m here to help, and I’ll arrange for someone like Chief Grant to come back and talk with you personally. It’s about making sure you’re content with your decision and understanding all that the Coast Guard has to offer.”

The U.S. Coast Guard assembly at Tenaha High School not only broadened their horizons but also reinforced the values of leadership, teamwork, and resilience that are central to both athletic and personal development. As Chief Grant aptly put it, “The Coast Guard isn’t just a job; it’s an opportunity to grow, to lead, and to serve with purpose.”

Chief Darryl McDonald’s U.S. Coast Guard Assembly at Mt. Whitney High School Highlights Opportunities for Student Athletes and Leaders

Mt. Whitney High School recently welcomed Chief Darryl McDonald from the U.S. Coast Guard for an engaging assembly, Facilitated by DistrictWON, that provided students with a glimpse into the opportunities and benefits of joining the Coast Guard. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors on the varsity football team, many of whom also participate in other sports such as soccer, basketball, wrestling, baseball, and track, attended the assembly. Additionally, a few students involved in leadership roles with the Associated Student Body (ASAB) and Link Crew were in attendance, showcasing the diverse interests and talents of the group.

Chief McDonald, a seasoned Coast Guard professional with expertise as an Electrician Mate, shared his personal journey and experiences with the students.

“My interest in the Coast Guard was sparked by a friend from the Marines,” McDonald explained. “After my oldest brother advised me against following his path into the Navy, I chose the Coast Guard, and it’s been a decision that has positively shaped my life.”

The assembly focused on dispelling common misconceptions about the Coast Guard and highlighting the unique benefits of joining. McDonald addressed the challenges of recruiting young people into the Coast Guard, particularly in a time when global conflicts and media portrayals can influence perceptions of the military.

“When people hear about the military, they often think of war and the negative aspects that come with it,” McDonald noted. “This can lead to parents discouraging their kids from considering the Coast Guard. But by increasing our presence in schools, we have the opportunity to have open conversations and show the differences between our branch and others.”

For the students at Mt. Whitney, many of whom were previously unaware of what the Coast Guard does, the assembly was an eye-opening experience.

“A lot of our kids didn’t know much about the Coast Guard, let alone what it does,” said Nathan Chamberlain, Head Varsity Football Coach at Mt. Whitney High School. “There was a lot of excitement and curiosity about the opportunities the Coast Guard could provide right out of high school.”

“The opportunity for kids to get paid out of high school while learning a skill or trade, or even making a career out of it, is significant,” Chamberlain emphasized. “It gives our students options they might not have considered before.”

McDonald also discussed the importance of diversity and inclusion within the Coast Guard, stressing that everyone, regardless of background, has an equal chance to succeed if they are qualified.

“Diversity is about having peers who share the same goals but pursue them in different ways,” McDonald said. “Let’s work together to help everyone achieve their goals in the most efficient way possible.”

Many of the students left with a newfound interest in exploring the Coast Guard as a potential career path.

“It’s important for our students to be exposed to different career options and to understand the potential they have to develop as leaders,” Chamberlain said. “This assembly was an excellent opportunity to shed light on the Coast Guard and what it offers.”

For students considering the Coast Guard but feeling uncertain, Chamberlain is ready to offer guidance.

“I would sit down with them and list the pros and cons, and we’d look at their short-term, long-term, and life goals to see what the best route would be for them in achieving those goals,” he said.

The U.S. Coast Guard assembly at Mt. Whitney High School was more than just an informational session—it was an inspiring event that broadened students’ horizons and provided them with valuable insights into a rewarding career path.

U.S. Coast Guard Inspires Future Leaders at Arkadelphia High School Assembly

Arkadelphia High School recently hosted an assembly where students had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the U.S. Coast Guard from Machinery Technician 2nd Class Nicholas Rego. The event, facilitated by DistrictWON, included 10th, 11th, and 12th grade football players and provided a unique chance for these young athletes to explore the values, opportunities, and career paths within the Coast Guard.

MT2 Nicholas Rego, a 14-year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, brought his experience to the assembly, sharing insights from his diverse roles in Search & Rescue, Law Enforcement, Drug and Migrant Interdiction, and Logistics.

“I joined the Coast Guard because I was influenced by a friend,” Rego explained. “It’s been an incredible journey that’s pushed me to raise my personal standards in terms of appearance, personality, and work ethic.”

The assembly inspired the football players to think about leadership and teamwork in new ways. Head Football Coach Trey Schucker reflected on the event’s impact, noting how beneficial it was for his team.

“Our players were able to gain new insight into what it means to be a part of something greater than themselves,” Schucker said. “They learned about how to overcome adversity and what it means to be a part of a team working towards a greater goal.”

Rego echoed these sentiments, emphasizing how the values of the Coast Guard align with those cultivated on the football field.

“In the Coast Guard, you are part of a team where everyone relies on each other,” Rego said. “Whether you’re out at sea on a rescue mission or working in logistics, you learn to overcome challenges together. That’s something I wanted to impress upon these students—that they can take those same teamwork skills and apply them to a career that’s fulfilling and impactful.”

The students were particularly surprised to learn about the wide range of roles available within the service, from cybersecurity and medical fields to scientific research.

“There’s a common misconception that the Coast Guard is just about Search & Rescue and law enforcement,” Rego pointed out. “But our service has so many different career paths. We need people with diverse skills and backgrounds to meet the varied needs of our missions.”

“Our students need opportunities like this to broaden their horizons on different career paths,” Coach Schucker emphasized. “The more they know about different careers, the more options they have to choose from. It’s important for them to be shown and given opportunities to ask questions and learn about different careers.”

Rego also took the opportunity to address students who might be considering the Coast Guard after graduation but have doubts.

“Get with a local recruiter, go online, and learn as much as you can. And if you’re serious about it, keep up with your physical fitness—that’s crucial for success in the Coast Guard.”Rego advised

He went on to highlight the personal and professional growth that comes with service.

“Joining the Coast Guard is more than just a job,” Rego said. “It’s a chance to grow as a person, to develop leadership skills, and to build lifelong friendships. You’ll gain experiences and skills that will stay with you for the rest of your life.”

Coach Schucker reinforced this message, encouraging his players to consider the Coast Guard as a viable and rewarding career path.

“I think the Coast Guard is a great option for students,” Schucker said. “It offers good pay right out of high school, valuable work experience, and a strong sense of community.”