Redwood High Football Team Engages with U.S. Coast Guard

Redwood High School’s varsity football team recently had the opportunity to engage with members of the U.S. Coast Guard during an assembly facilitated by DistrictWON. The event aimed to provide the student-athletes, who are among the top students and leaders on campus, with insights into the values of duty, service, and the wide array of career opportunities within the Coast Guard.

The assembly echoed the themes of duty and service that Coach Scharton regularly emphasizes.

“We talk all the time about duty and service, so this was a good supplement to those talks,” he remarked. The interaction provided a real-world perspective that reinforced these vital values for the students.

Chief Darryl McDonald, an Electrician Mate and Recruiter in Charge, shared his journey with the students. Inspired by a friend from the Marines and guided by his brother’s advice, Chief McDonald chose the Coast Guard and has since become a technical expert and leader.

“My interest in the Coast Guard was piqued by a friend from the Marines, after my oldest brother advised me against following his path and joining the Navy” he shared.

He highlighted the importance of having open conversations about military service to dispel misconceptions and showcase the unique aspects of the Coast Guard.

Many of the athletes were surprised by the diverse opportunities within the Coast Guard. From technical roles to leadership positions, the scope of careers available was an eye-opener.

“A number of our athletes were surprised by the opportunities afforded by the Coast Guard,” said Coach Scharton. “The Coast Guard talk provided an alternative option to consider for many of our athletes.”

Chief McDonald emphasized the Coast Guard’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

“If you are qualified for the job, we want you to know that your chances are equal to your peers’,” he stated. This message highlighted the importance of a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Coach Scharton shared a personal connection to the military, mentioning his grandfather’s 20-year service in the Navy. He acknowledged the positive influence this had on his own life, reinforcing the benefits of military service. He encouraged students to talk to a recruiter for a clear understanding of the opportunities and benefits.

Chief McDonald encouraged students to explore the Coast Guard as a potential career path, stressing the importance of understanding their goals and concerns. “It’s important to be upfront about the challenges they may face and avoid sugar-coating the reality,” he said.

Coast Guard Assembly Resonates with Daphne High School Students

Coast Guard Assembly Resonates with Daphne High School Students

The U.S. Coast Guard recently held an assembly at Daphne High School, where Petty Officer 1st Class Jeremy Guerrero shared his experiences and insights with students, particularly those in the 9-12 grade football program. The event aimed to enlighten students about the opportunities within the Coast Guard, emphasizing leadership, teamwork, and personal growth.

Petty Officer Guerrero, a reservist in the Maritime Enforcement rate, brought a wealth of experience to the assembly. With twenty years of service in the Coast Guard following six years in the Marine Corps Reserve, Guerrero’s journey reflects a profound commitment to serving the nation. He highlighted how the Coast Guard has profoundly impacted his life, providing a sense of fulfillment and pride.

“Serving with the Coast Guard has given me fulfillment and satisfaction that I have made a worthy contribution to country and service,” he shared.

Katie Clarke, assistant athletic director at Daphne High School, shared her positive impressions of the assembly. She praised Guerrero for his ability to connect with students, particularly by relating leadership and teamwork to their experiences in football.

“Jeremy Guerrero did a great job tying many analogies back into playing football and made it easy for our students to relate to his message,” Clarke said.

One of the key topics Guerrero addressed was the challenge of recruiting young people into the Coast Guard. He emphasized that partnerships with local high schools, like Daphne High School, facilitated by DistrictWON, are crucial in building relationships with students and staff. These partnerships allow recruiters to interact on a more active level with students, providing opportunities to dispel common misconceptions about the Coast Guard.

“Many people believe that Coast Guard members are always in the water or only live and work on boats,” Guerrero explained. “In reality, the Coast Guard offers a wide range of career opportunities, both on land and at sea, that require various skills and expertise.”

Guerrero also discussed the importance of integration and diversity within the Coast Guard. As the smallest branch of the U.S. military, the Coast Guard faces unique challenges. However, this size fosters a tight-knit community where all member’s contributions are vital.

“The Coast Guard is one team with multiple missions, and every member is expected to be a team player,” he stated.

The assembly highlighted the numerous benefits of joining the Coast Guard. Guerrero spoke about the continuous opportunities for education and training, which enable members to constantly improve themselves. The chance to live and work in various locations also helps members become versatile and well-rounded individuals.

“The personal and professional growth you will experience in the Coast Guard is unparalleled,” Guerrero noted.

To students considering joining the Coast Guard but who may have doubts, Guerrero offered encouraging words.

“Everyone needs a starting point, and nothing will happen until that step is made,” he advised.

He reassured students that the military could be a great starting point for those unsure about their future, providing a foundation until they figure out their next steps.

Clarke emphasized the importance of exposing high school students to various career options, noting that such assemblies help students understand the opportunities available to them as future leaders.

While Clarke did not have personal experience in the military, she acknowledged the legacy of service among many students’ families. Daphne High School often honors community members who serve, and this assembly was another way to help students appreciate what the Coast Guard offers.

Inspiring Futures: U.S. Coast Guard’s SKC Gabriel Rivas Engages Monticello High School Students

Monticello High School hosted an assembly featuring Senior Chief Storekeeper (SKC/E-7) Gabriel Rivas from the United States Coast Guard. The assembly was a unique opportunity, facilitated by DistrictWON, a U.S. Coast Guard partner for marketing and local engagement, for students to learn about the Coast Guard, its mission, and the benefits of a career in this branch of the military. The event was particularly impactful, given the genuine enthusiasm and passion displayed by SKC Rivas and his team.

SKC Gabriel Rivas, who has been in active-duty service for 14 years, shared his journey and experiences in the Coast Guard. As the Alternate Recruiter in Charge for the U.S. Coast Guard Recruiting Office in the Twin Cities, he oversees government contracts, finance, and accounting procedures. Rivas chose the Coast Guard for its favorable work-life balance and the mission-focused nature of the service.

“We train for situations that we face every day, whether it’s search and rescue, law enforcement, or environmental disasters,” Rivas explained. “As our motto states: ‘Semper Paratus,’ we are ‘Always Ready.'”

Chad Hayda, the Varsity Boy’s Lacrosse Coach at Monticello High School, praised the assembly for its positive impact on the students. The attendees, ranging from 8th to 12th grade, were engaged and inspired by the speakers.

“The Coast Guard speakers were very personable and knowledgeable about their profession and what it takes to be a good leader,” Hayda noted. “They connected leadership to all aspects of life, lacrosse, and the Coast Guard.”

Rivas addressed the challenges of recruiting young people into the Coast Guard, particularly in regions like the Midwest, where the Coast Guard is less visible.

“A lack of information is a big issue,” he said. “Knowing the long-term benefits of a career path like the U.S. Coast Guard is important for making an informed decision.”

He dispelled common misconceptions, such as the belief that recruits need to be expert swimmers.

“The amount of time our members actually spend in the water is minimal, with the exception of specific ratings like AST and Diver,” Rivas clarified.

The importance of diversity and integration within the Coast Guard was another key topic.

“Having different upbringings and perspectives is beneficial to the dynamic evolution of our service,” Rivas stated.

The Coast Guard is committed to inclusivity, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds who share a passion for saving lives and making a difference in their communities.

Rivas highlighted the numerous benefits associated with joining the Coast Guard, from professional and personal growth to exceptional healthcare and education benefits.

“The Coast Guard has taught me professionalism, integrity, and respect, as well as how to respond under pressure,” he shared. “These skills have greatly shaped who I am today.”

The assembly left a lasting impression, with many students staying after to ask questions and express interest in the Coast Guard as a potential career path.

“They were surprised with how beneficial joining the Coast Guard would be in their lives,” Hayda remarked. “I believe some students are now considering it as an option after high school.

“Life is too short to work behind a desk,” Rivas encouraged the students. “Get out there, adventure is waiting for you!”

The Coast Guard offers a unique and rewarding career path, blending adventure, service, and personal growth in a way few other professions can match.

For those considering joining the Coast Guard, the message was clear: embrace the opportunity, and be part of something larger than yourself.